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Social Media
Paid ads

Social Media paid ads

We determine if Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok ads are reaching your most valuable audiences.
  • Create campaigns from scratch or audit existing campaigns to increase revenue.
  • Analyze audience data to ensure you are reaching the most valuable customers, constantly 
  • Set up testing strategies to find images and messaging that resonate the most with your audience.

Social media paid ads are advertisements that appear on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. These ads can be targeted to specific audiences based on factors such as location, demographics, interests, and behaviors, and they can be displayed in a variety of formats including sponsored posts, carousel ads, video ads, and more.

Advertisers pay for social media paid ads on a pay-per-click (PPC) or pay-per-impression (PPI) basis, which means that they are charged either each time someone clicks on their ad or each time the ad is displayed to a user, respectively. Social media paid ads can be an effective way for businesses to reach specific target audiences and to promote their products or services online.


Social Media paid ads

1)Travel E-commerce Client resulted in 44% sales growth.
2)Social Networking Athlete Brand generated 38% improvement in Registration.
3)50% Improvement in Revenue from Q2 to Q4 for a automotive e-commerce brand.
4)Apparel brand got 700% increase in revenue in 2 months.
5)Healthcare client witnessed a scale up of 20% month over month at the same time keeping the CPL intact.

Detailed Case Study for Social Media


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